Qiwen (Ruth)
A few years ago, when I was feeling lost and uncertain about the future, a friend uplifted my spirits with a heartfelt card featuring a bible verse that I hold close to my heart. This gesture really warmed my heart because my friend was neither of the same faith nor did he know the significance of that verse to me, yet he cared enough to encourage me with such a card.
As a language teacher catering mainly to Japanese expatriates and their families, I've had the privilege of being a confidant for my students from various walks of life. It saddened me to learn that many of them lack a support system during challenging times, so I founded heart:full hoping that we, together, could take a moment to look beyond our own needs and extend support to others—one heartfelt card at a time. Let's be that friend to someone today!
HEART:FULL is based on the concept of looking beyond our own needs and circumstances to encourage others in good and bad times. Although the best present a person can give to another is their presence, we believe encouragement and concern can be expressed through gestures that may seem insignificant to us but leave a huge impact on another person's life. We hope to be present in every season of your life - bringing you and the people around you joy and encouragement in every circumstance.
「ハート:フル」は、 どんな状況であろうと、関わりのある人へ優しく寄り添い共に存在する事をコンセプトとしています。味方の存在を感じる事で、人は温もりを受け取る事が出来ます。しかし、行動を伴う事でその温かみは増し、一生忘れる事の出来ない想い出と変わるでしょう。常にあなたの人生に寄り添い、楽しみや喜びを共に過ごしていきたいと願っています。